Correct Casino Etiquette – the Do’s & Don’ts

casino-etiquetteThere are a few standard protocols you need to follow when you step inside a casino. While most casinos are pretty relaxed these days about attire and social customs, there are still a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to gambling. Check out the below tips when you take a seat in Lady Luck’s lair:

Watch that tongue:

Keep your ***’s and your ***’s to the minimum. A potty mouth in never okay in any social scenario and in this case, it’s a big sign of disrespect to other players around you. You don’t want to offend anyone around you, and it’s also a sign of bad sportsmanship.

Not only is it bad to curse, but it’s advisable to keep your comments to yourself too in a game. While mild chit chat is fine in a social setting, making comments about other people hands or bets or even about you own is unwise. It can distract others around you and is considered ruse.

Be considerate

Make sure you pay attention to the game. Often it’s easy to become distracted or to fall in to the trap of distracting others. If you’re unsure of the rules, ask the croupier who will help you. It will take a while for you to get the hang of it but make sure you’re attentive and willing to learn. Try to avoid annoying habits like tapping your leg, chewing on nails or interrupting. Make sure you also turn yourself off. Your bad habits can be a big distraction to other players.

Don’t be a sore loser.

In a top online casino, you have to resign yourself to the fact that you win some, you lose some. We all know what it feels like (it stinks!) but try not to throw your toys out the cot. No matter what the outcome, keep calm and, well, carry on!

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